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Get to know us

Hey everyone !!

my name is Sidharth Docherty.

I play a multitude of instruments, primarily Guitar but also Drums & Bass.


I Studied music at University for 3 years whilst taking part in supplemental programmes:

 notably Tomorrow's Warriors Summer Runnings programme & learning from world class Jazz Musicians.


I have a real love for Jazz music, and have the theory knowledge essential for playing the genre. I'd classify myself as a session musician and am currently between 4 bands, playing gigs all across Scotland.


I've now turned to teaching as I feel it's very important that people with a passion for music are given the knowledge of what they're playing, not just how to play it, and how a bit of knowledge of the instrument (rather than just playing ) can improve your playing techniques. 


Wither you are a beginner or just want to fresh up on your skills, pop into abbey music and ask for Sid.

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